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Freedom and necessity in the era of big data algorithm

From:社科报2021-2-6 19:09

Zhao Weiguo and Hua Rui wrote in the 6th issue of Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION) for 2020 that the relationship between freedom and necessity presents a new way of expression in the era of big data algorithm, focusing on the unity and Transcendence of consciousness or self-consciousness. Scientists deny the unity of consciousness and even its existence, and thus question the existence of free will. By distinguishing phenomenon from noumenon, Kant demonstrates the rationality of "algorithm" and limits it. At the same time, Kant reserves territory for freedom and morality. Heidegger's comparison of human and animal behavior shows that human being, as a limited being in time, must bear the freedom and necessity of existentialism. In different contexts, the two philosophers revealed the limitations of "algorithm" and the essence of "Pan humanism". Human beings have freedom and dignity different from animals, artificial intelligence and God because they can establish and transcend the objective world.