Yuan Xin, Liu Xuyang and Zhao Wei pointed out in the 2nd issue of Population journal in 2021 that the research results show that increasing the wage level, increasing the proportion of tertiary industry and fixed asset investment will significantly improve the probability of talent inflow. Cities should optimize the economic development environment, improve the economic growth mode, change the concept of economic development, transition from pursuing the economic growth rate to improving the economic structure, and give full play to the utility of using urban economic development to attract talents; Optimize the urban layout, improve the transportation network, improve the social life and working environment, control the population, improve air quality, reduce pollution, and give full play to the utility of using urban environment optimization to attract talents; Optimize the basic education environment, strengthen the construction of basic education, improve the education management system, build more middle schools, eliminate school barriers, and give full play to the utility of using urban public resources to attract talents.