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The possibility of digital labor criticism

From:社科报2021-12-27 19:54

In the 11th issue of Learning and Exploration in 2021, Chen Xi wrote that the reflection on the living situation of life is inseparable from the clarification of the reality of "what to produce" and "how to produce". Christian Fuchs regards the universal rise of digital labor and the transformation of Western Digital capitalism as the realistic premise, and makes a reflective reconstruction of the critical theory with the alienation as the core. By constructing the theoretical dialogue between critical theory and cultural materialism, Fuchs tries to overcome the theoretical predicament caused by Habermas's theory of labor and communication duality, and puts forward that the sublation of digital labor alienation depends on the rational distribution and equal enjoyment of digital production factors. Fuchs's Theoretical Reconstruction Path and critical theory is resonant and complementary with the fourth generation of scholars. Although Fuchs failed to fully grasp the critical theory, especially the lack of attention to Axel Honneth’s labor emancipation thought, his discussion on the possibility of the formation of the revolutionary subject in the digital capitalist society transcended the limitations of the critical theory and showed a stronger practical orientation.