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Supply and demand strategies for global public health goods

From:社科报2021-11-8 18:17

In Economic Problems, No. 11, 2021, Liu Chengkui and Huang Xiongcai suggest that there is an obvious imbalance between the supply and demand of the COVID-19 vaccines due to the constraints of cost, technology and time, which restricts global vaccination,especially in less developed countries,and impedes the recovery of global economic activities. The simulation results show that the influence of international political factors on the global welfare level is highly uncertain under the condition of an imperfectly competitive market.In order to effectively address the global public health crisis, more emphasis should be placed on the public good nature of COVID-19 vaccines: Efforts should be made to strengthen the WHO’s coordination mechanism, especially its coordination and execution ability. We should give full play to the role of communication and cooperation among major countries in the field of world health.