As indicated by Dong Biao in Philosophical Research (No. 9, 2021), in Marx's vision, critique of power and critique of capital are intrinsically linked. Capital itself is a special form of power based on capitalist production relations. It is not only the dominant power over labor and products, but also the dominant power over economy and society. Through the historical transformation from non-economic power to economic power, capital eventually became a structured overall power over the modern bourgeois society, and this power was fully demonstrated in the circular movement of capital's self-expansion. Deepening the critique of capital with the critique of power can not only deepen the understanding of the logic of capital expansion, but also help to deeply reveal the inner relation and development trend of the logic of capital which is composed of the logic of expansion and the logic of power, and find the way to surpass in the historical dialectics. Pushing the critique of capital to the critique of the power logic is an important way to deepen the study of historical materialism.