Under the background of smooth domestic circulation, consumption upgrade plays a vital role in expanding domestic demand, Sun Jiuwen and Li Chengzhang point out in the second issue of the Journal of Renmin University of China, 2022.(1) The increase of personal income may expand consumption scale, but it does not optimize what are consumed or improve the consumption structure; technological progress can increase consumption scale and also optimize what are consumed, but cannot exert much effect on consumption structure.(2) Both the improvement of personal income and technological progress will help upgrade consumption.(3) To achieve consumption upgrade, it is more effective to increase income for those lower income groups, while it is more effective to make technological progress for those higher income groups.(4) For central and western regions, it is a good approach to improve personal income first and then realize technological progress to achieve consumption upgrade. We should upgrade consumption from both the supply side and the demand side, provide guidance on income-based consumption upgrade and clarify regional path to consumption upgrade.