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Streaming in Higher Education Brings about Employment Disparity

From:社科报2022-6-13 20:19

Liu Baozhong and Zhang Yueyun wrote in the second issue 2022 of Youth Studies that streaming in higher education brings about a superimposed effect of "becoming better or worse" on employment opportunities of college students. Compared with those from vocational colleges and lower-level colleges, students from undergraduate and higher-level universities and colleges are more likely to work in the public sector with higher incomes. Compared with science and engineering majors, social science majors are less likely to work in the public sector, and humanities majors have lower incomes. There exist differences in the impact of family background on employment opportunities of college students in different types of schools and majors. Students from non-key universities/colleges and those majoring in humanities are more likely to be affected by family background when they get job opportunities with higher incomes. These conclusions provide important policy suggestions for practical issues in relation to admission, talent training and employment guidance of higher education in China.