As Liu Quanzhi indicated in the fourth issue 2022 of the Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences), the short-chapter texts of the Spring and Autumn history widely circulated in the Warring States constitute the direct source of the chronicle Zuo Zhuan (Zuo Qiuming's commentary on Spring and Autumn annals). The unearthed documents prove that the “initial Zuo Zhuan” prior to the chronicle Zuo Zhuancan be understood as the “Shiyu” texts of the Spring and Autumn history in the form of scattered compilation. The appellation and connotation of “Shiyu” are derived from literature categories and usage in the Warring States period and the Qin and Han Dynasties rather than the general appellation in the contemporary academic circle. The editors of Zuo Zhuanchose and processed “Shiyu” of the Spring and Autumn history by linking and modifying texts, in addition to separating and integrating them, in order to make them sequential, coherent and systematic and show their own value judgment.At the same time, the compilation of Zuo Zhuanis also a process in which the writers of the Spring and Autumn history were changed from historians to the Confucian scholars.