The School of Management of Fudan University recently had its first cloud class of the year of 2022 to dialogue with scientific innovators. Experts and business representatives attending the meeting gave interpretations on Metaverse from different perspectives around the theme of “entering the parallel world of Metaverse” by introducing a story of “Zhuang Zhou’s dream of becoming a butterfly”.
Xu Zhengchuan, associate professor at the School of Management of Fudan University, believes that from a technical perspective, the Metaverse is an inevitable result of the gradual development and convergence of digital technologies such as AI, blockchain and cloud computing. From an investment perspective, digital human, cloud computing and digital content will be promising according to him, and the industrial Metaverse is likely to be commercially successful ahead of the consumer Metaverse. Yan Feng, professor of Chinese Language Department at Fudan University, points out that Metaverse, originating from human nature, is supported by modern technology and is in line with the path of the evolution of civilization. Xie Hao, founder & CEO of Yuanyi Changxiang Company, says the first station of future Metaverse will be Web3.0, but it will also face challenges in terms of content quality, compatibility and so on.