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1/3 of local women think they encountered gender discrimination in work or study: survey
2015/10/26 18:56:50

  ABOUT one third of nearly 1,000 interviewed women living in Shanghai say they had experienced gender discrimination during work or study with nearly 37 percent of them believed the discrimination will hinder their career promotion, according to a survey released by Shanghai Women’s Federation.

  And about 86 percent of about 1,000 living in the city say they are happy, according to a survey report released by Shanghai Women’s Federation.

  After interviewing 1,004 women aged 18 or above, the commissioned research team from East China Normal University concludes that the happiness index for them is 3.54 with 5 representing a full score.

  More than 73.1 percent of the interviewed women say happiness mainly depends on their physical and psychological health states while 12.5 percent believe happiness is mainly decided by high incomes and wealth.