Britney Spears is returning as a guest star on TV sitcom "How I Met Your
Mother" after signing a deal to appear in one more episode, according to media
report yesterday.
The pop star first appeared on the show last month, playing a lovesick
secretary and won her good reviews and boosted the show's viewership to 10.6
million, in comparison to the 9.6 million who had tuned in the previous week.
The new episode, beginning production Monday, will premiere on CBS May.
"We're all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again," series
executive producer and co-creator Craig Thomas said in a statement.
"How I Met Your Mother" stars Harris, Radnor, Cobie Smulders, Alyson Hannigan
and Jason Segel as an urban family of 20-something New Yorkers.