The animated character Wall-E is shown in a scene from
the film "Wall-E". The film features dystopian landscapes, social commentary and
a lack of conventional dialogue that are rare under the Walt Disney Co. banner,
but it sticks to Pixar's basic themes of love, loyalty and friendship.-
Pixar Animation's sci-fi robot romance "Wall-E" opened this weekend with
US$62.5 million at the top of box office in North America, as Hollywood's summer
revenues keep growing to take advantage of economic woes.
"Wall-E" tells the love story of a lonely robot who was left behind on Earth
to clean up trash when humans abandoned the over-polluted planet around 2700. He
falls in love with a girl robot sent by humans from the space orbit to evaluate
the situation at their home planet many years later.
Pixar continued its perfect track record at movie theaters as "Wall-E" became
the ninth consecutive No. 1 film at box office by the Disney unit.
Meanwhile, Universal's thriller "Wanted" starring Angelina Jolie as a
cold-blooded assassin also debuted to strong business with 51.1 million dollars,
according to preliminary box office figures released yesterday.
And the strong box office performances of "Wall-E" and "Wanted" helped keep
the Hollywood summer juggernaut rolling higher.
The 12 top-selling films took in US$179.2 million collectively this weekend,
up 22 percent from the same weekend last year and representing the fifth
consecutive up weekend for Hollywood after the lucrative summer season kicked
off on May 2, according to Los Angeles-based tracking firm Media By Numbers.
Movie industry analysts say that the sluggish US economic and soaring gas
prices may eventually become a boon to Hollywood, as more people tend to see
movies and avoid traveling or other expensive entertainment like sports events
and concerts.
Last week's box office leader, Warner Bros' spy comedy "Get Smart" slipped to
No. 3 with estimated US$20 million over the weekend, followed by Dream Work
Animation's "Kung Fu Panda" and Universal's "The Incredible Hulk" with US$11.7
million and 9.2 million respectively.