Scottish author J.K. Rowling poses for photographers as
she arrives at a tea party to launch her new book "The Tales of Beedle the Bard"
at Parliament Square in Edinburgh yesterday.- Xinhua/Reuters
J.K. Rowling has given Harry Potter fans a little gift.
No, not a new book about the young wizard - THAT would be like a birthday
combined with Christmas! Instead, she's written a charming confection of a book
from the world of Harry Potter with the sparkle and wit that remind us why she
became a publishing sensation in the first place.
The title of the book, "The Tales of Beedle the Bard," should be instantly
familiar to all Potter fans. That was the book Harry's friend Hermione Granger
was bequeathed following the death of Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster at their
school. One tale in the collection of childrens' stories played a part in Harry
figuring out how to destroy his enemy, the evil Lord Voldemort.
Following the publication of the last of the Potter books last year, Rowling
created seven copies of the Beedle book, writing and illustrating the five
stories. She gave six of the copies to friends and the last one to the
Children's High Level Group, a charity she helped create. The charity auctioned
the book, which Amazon bought for US$4 million, and has released an edition for
the general public to raise more money.
In this edition, Rowling tells us, the tales were translated from the Ancient
Runes by none other than Hermione. And adding a special flair, the stories are
accompanied by notes from Dumbledore, expounding on their larger meaning. In her
introduction, Rowling says the notes date to about 18 months before Dumbledore's
If anything, the new book shows us Rowling hasn't lost her touch since
finishing her series. It's all here - cleverly written stories, little details
that add to the enjoyment of readers who spot them, deeper points about the
choices people make and their consequences. The yarns are ostensibly meant to be
read by wizard children, so they're short, but they don't lack for action, or in
some cases, rather gruesome imagery and some violence. Apparently wizard
children are a hardy bunch.
This isn't a full-length book, though, so it doesn't have the depth and
emotional heft that were the hallmark of the series. But it really is a gift to
fans. It rewards them for their dedication to the world of Harry Potter by
giving them more glimpses into that place. Dumbledore's commentary is a
particular pleasure, especially when he recounts details that make certain
aspects of the series a little clearer.
Fans saddened that the series had to end will now have a reason to smile a