WTO members should give concerns over LDCs: Nepal
18/12/2005 8:00
Nepalese Minister of Industry, Commerce and Supplies Buddhi Man Tamang called
for all the WTO members to give their concerns, in a real sense, over the least
developed countries (LDCs). The official made the appeal on Saturday at the
Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference. The World Trade Organization is not only a
vehicle for promoting global trade but also an institution that ensures fair,
just and inclusive trading regime where the concerns and aspiration of all the
countries, small and big, rich and poor are well heard. He said Nepal expects
a fair trading system which can help it bring about a structural change in its
economy with the promotion of trade which will stimulate growth and help reduce
poverty in the country. The official said it is the fact the least developed
countries including Nepal are still marginalized from the mainstream of the
world economy. "It should be a matter of great concern to all of us," said
the minister. Though many LDCs are in the very early stage of the industrial
development process, it must be appreciated that they want to be integrated into
the international trading system, he said. What the LDCs are currently
looking for is a meaningful and substantial market access opportunity for their
products, which was already agreed in the Doha Work Program but is not realized
as a matter of fact.
Xinhua news