Export duties on 17 textile goods end
2/8/2005 17:38
China scrapped export tariffs on 17 Chinese-made textile goods subject to the
European Union's new trade restrictions yesterday. It is the fourth time
China readjusted its export tariffs on textile products this year. China still
imposes export tariffs on 51 other textile goods. On July 21, the State
Council, China's Cabinet, made a decision to cancel the tariffs on the 17
products. Zhao Yumin, an expert with China Academy of International Trade and
Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce, said major importers, like
the EU and the United States, are using quantity controls on imports of Chinese
textile products, so there is no need to levy tariffs on these products
anymore. "Besides, the management of tariffs has its uncertainties, which
might cause damage to the overall industry," said Zhao. Experts hope the
measure will help Chinese textile producers make a better living, especially
after the appreciation of the Chinese currency of yuan, which has further eroded
the profits of textile companies. Textile traders and producers in China
welcomed the decision, saying the readjustment of tariffs will help firms to
lower costs. (Xinhua)