Shanghai Daily News
One of the basic ideas behind the Expo is that everything connected with it
should have a bright future, Juan Alberto Belloch Julbe, mayor of Zaragoza,
Spain told our reporter during the Forum 2006 - Expo Shanghai China today.
As an international event, the Expo 2010 in Shanghai will surely fascinate
the local citizens and all of the visitors during its 6 month stay in the city.
However, a more important significance lies in the opportunity that the Expo
offers the city and the changes that are likely to happen after the event.
"The Expo is simply the first stage of a long term development project" Julbe
said, "About 90 percent of the Expo site will remain in the city."
The infrastructures will probably last for 20 years, Julbe added, which will
help the citizens recognise and understand the fundamental changes the world has
around them.
The city of Zaragoza in Spain, the host of an international thematic
exposition on water and sustainable development in 2008, has a 2000 year
history. After its 2008 expo, the site will play a significant role in the city,
Julbe mentioned.
As for suggestions on the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, Julbe said: "China is now
the focus of the world. The city and the country can make great use of this
amazing growth opportunity."
The theme of the Expo 2010 is connected with the quality of life, so the
organisers need to thoroughly develop upon this concept, Julbe added
Julbe also stated that Zaragoza has a close relationship with Shanghai, as
the two cities were both fully involved in the preparation of other Expos.
A Biography of Juan Alberto Belloch Julbe Mayor of Zaragoza

Juan-Alberto Belloch has a rich and diverse history of promoting democracy
and human rights in Spain.
He founded "Judges for Democracy" and the
Association for Human Rights in the Basque Country.
As a judge, he has had various postings in La Gomera, Berga, Vic and Alcoy.
He was the president of the Provincial Court of Vizcaya.
Spanish Minister of Justice from 1993 to 1994, and Justice and Home Office
minister from
1994-1996 under president Felipe Gonzalez government
(Socialist Party)
Member of he Spanish Parliament (1996-2000) and Senator for Zaragoza
Mayor of Zaragoza from June 2003.
Vice-president of "Expoagua Zaragoza 2008"