The Law Enforcement Torch Run? for Special Olympics is the movement's largest
grass-roots fundraiser and public awareness vehicle.
The Torch Run is Special Olympics¡¯largest grass-roots fundraiser and public
awareness vehicle, raising US$21.4 million for Special Olympics Programs around
the world in 2005. More than 85,000 law enforcement officers carried the Flame
of Hope across 35 nations, and thousands more supported the runners¡¯efforts
through¡°Adopt-A-Cop¡±runner sponsorships, corporate sponsorships and Torch Run
T-shirts (more than 400,000 sold) and other merchandise sales.
At its most basic level, the Torch Run is an actual running event in which
officers and athletes run the¡°Flame of Hope¡±to the Opening Ceremonies of local
Special Olympics competitions, state/provincial Games, and National Summer or
Winter Games.
At its most fully developed, the Torch Run initiative encompasses a variety
of fundraising vehicles in addition to the Torch Run itself, such as T-shirt or
merchandise sales, donations or pledges for runners in the Torch Run, corporate
donations, special events such as Polar Plunges, golf tournaments or other
events that have local appeal.
The Law Enforcement Torch Run? began in 1981 when Wichita, Kansas (USA),
Police Chief Richard LaMunyon saw an urgent need to raise funds for and increase
awareness of Special Olympics. The Torch Run was quickly adopted by the International Association of Chiefs of
Police, now recognized as the founding law enforcement organization of
the Law Enforcement Torch Run? for Special Olympics.