Spring Festival Charter Flights
Six airlines from the mainland and six from Taiwan will carry out charter flights across the Taiwan Strait during the upcoming Spring Festival. They will make 72 round trips between January 20 and February 13. Normally, all flights between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan must stop over in Hong Kong or Macau.

Air China's flight attendants in Beijing give away gifts featuring the Olympic Friendlies to Taiwanese passengers before a trip to the island yesterday.
Latest Report

Mainland urges better cross-strait relations (25/1 09:38)
Restrictions by Taiwan authorities on cross-strait economic exchange will ultimately undermine the island's economy and harm the interests of its people, a central government spokesman said in Beijing yesterday.

Real direct flights promise fast, cheap service (25/1 10:07)
Direct cross-Straits flights may become a reality based on the success of charter flights during Spring Festival, Assistant General Manager of the Xiamen Airlines Zhao Dong said yesterday.


  • Xiamen revels in flights to Taiwan
  •  (26/1 08:27)
  • Spring Festival chartered flights start
  •  (21/1 10:52)
  • Taiwan charters take off
  •  (21/1 09:15)
  • First Spring Festival charter flight leaves Taipei for Shanghai
  •  (20/1 11:19)
  • Hello Kitty 'boards' charter flight
  •  (20/1 10:06)
  • Tickets for Beijing-Taiwan chartered flights sold out
  •  (18/1 11:07)
  • Going traditional for Taiwan flights
  •  (23/12 08:46)
  • Charter flights selling fast
  •  (20/12 17:06)
  • Tickets for Spring Festival charter flights to Taiwan go on sale Monday
  •  (17/12 11:23)
  • No plans for ID cards to replace Taiwan permits
  •  (15/12 11:22)
  • Online air tickets for Taiwan flights
  •  (14/12 10:56)
  • Tickets begin sale on Internet
  •  (13/12 11:47)
  • Cross-Straits charter flight to bear Olympic logo
  •  (13/12 11:17)
  • Taiwan flight plan
  •  (8/12 10:56)
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