Living in Shanghai
Service for Foreigners
What`s On
Spring Festival Charter Flights
Xiamen revels in flights to Taiwan
(26/1 08:27)
Real direct flights promise fast, cheap service
(25/1 10:07)
Mainland urges better cross-strait relations
(25/1 09:38)
Spring Festival chartered flights start
(21/1 10:52)
Taiwan charters take off
(21/1 09:15)
First Spring Festival charter flight leaves Taipei for Shanghai
(20/1 11:19)
Hello Kitty 'boards' charter flight
(20/1 10:06)
Tickets for Beijing-Taiwan chartered flights sold out
(18/1 11:07)
Going traditional for Taiwan flights
(23/12 08:46)
Charter flights selling fast
(20/12 17:06)
Tickets for Spring Festival charter flights to Taiwan go on sale Monday
(17/12 11:23)
No plans for ID cards to replace Taiwan permits
(15/12 11:22)
Online air tickets for Taiwan flights
(14/12 10:56)
Tickets begin sale on Internet
(13/12 11:47)
Cross-Straits charter flight to bear Olympic logo
(13/12 11:17)
Taiwan flight plan
(8/12 10:56)
Carriers get ready for flights to Taiwan
(6/12 11:20)
Cross-Strait flights in planning
(21/11 11:17)
Mainland, Taiwan agree to renew flights
(19/11 11:20)
Direct air links across strait urged
(17/11 11:15)
Mainland invites Taiwan to discuss charter flights
(4/11 11:15)
Where does difficulty lie in making charter flights a regular practice?
(21/2 11:40)
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