World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Pascal Lamy on Wednesday
appealed to the APEC business community to push for a successful conclusion of
the Doha round of negotiations.
Addressing a luncheon of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Business Advisory Council (ABAC) meeting here, Lamy urged the APEC business
community "to play a leading role in ensuring a transparent and predictable
global business environment, building bridges over differences and advancing
freer trade."
He asked the business community to lobby their respective governments and
negotiators to show a more visible political engagement and to put greater
flexibility on the negotiation table, and help advocate the benefits of the
round to raise public awareness and support for trade opening on a global scale.
Lamy also suggested the APEC business community engage themselves as much as
they can by telling their negotiators the difficulties and unfair treatment they
have met in doing business.
"The Asia-Pacific region has, without any doubt, become the most vibrant
region on this planet," Lamy said, adding that with 2.6 billion people, around
60 percent of world GDP and 50 percent of world trade, "APEC economies do have a
big stake in the success of the Doha Round."
The Doha Development Agenda (DDA), established in 2001, sets out goals for
liberalizing trade in agriculture, manufactured goods and services. The trade
negotiations, however, have stalled due to strong objections from the developed