A foreigner might find it easier to learn about Beijing even if he doesn't
speak Chinese during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
For example, if he wants to taste Chinese food and yet doesn't know where he
should go, he may use his roaming cell phone to dial a number and speak his
inquiry. Seconds later, he will get ample information in English from a
computerized polyglot.
Pan Jielin, who works on employing speech recognition technologies in
Olympics-related service, told Xinhua Beijing will be the first city in the
world to extensively offer the multi-lingual computerized information service.
Beijing tourism authorities estimated Beijing will host at least 550,000
foreign and 2.2 million domestic visitors during the Olympic Games.
"We now only have Chinese and English services, but will expand to other
languages including French, German and Spanish," said Pan, associate director of
Thinkit Speech Laboratory at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Institute of
Pan's lab has developed the embedded multi-lingual speech recognition engine,
which picks up acoustic features of human speech, coverts sound signals to
bytes, compares discourses of speakers with various syllables in different
languages, and optimizes match-ups from algorithmic processing. In a matter of
seconds, speakers could get response from the system.
"The core technology of speech recognition applies to any language if we get
big enough speech databases," Pan said.
"We are very competitive in processing the Chinese language because we're
able to get excellent Chinese databases, including those of dialects," said Zhao
Qingwei, the lab's chief technology officer, citing that his lab bought
native-speaking English databases from American companies.
Although quite competent at recognizing mandarin Chinese spoken by TV
newscasters, Pan said the system performs undesirably while keeping notes of
casual conversations.
"We're quite confident of recognizing more than 90 percent of speeches of
certain topics, such as road and traffic information, Olympic competition
results, Olympic venues information, and weather information," Pan said.
Pan's team is focusing on improving recognition rate of spoken languages and
reducing noise affects.
The lab got contracts from Capinfo Limited Company, the solely authorized
multi-lingual service provider for the Beijing Olympics, for equipping
telecommunication platforms and information booths along main Beijing streets
with the speech-recognition engine.
China Mobile, the country's largest monopoly over mobile telecommunication,
has already employed the recognition technology in its new valued-added service,
Coloring Ring Back Tone. Subscribers could easily find popular melodies, even if
they don't know their titles, by just humming a few segments.
"We look forward to earning smart returns from the profits we might share
with China Mobile," Pan said.
The speech and melody recognition technology is also welcomed by
entertainment places such as Karaoke arcades. Karaoke fans, in some places where
the recognition system has been installed, are able to search songs by singing a
little of them.