Flood triggered by rainstorm has hit parts of northwest China's Xinjiang
Uygur Autonomous Region early this morning, leaving more than 300 vehicles
and 1,000 passengers trapped, according to sources with local meteorological
The rainstorm, which started at Monday night, poured down in north, south and
east part of Xinjiang, and triggered flood 10 hours later, which crashed roads
and communications there at about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, with 300 vehicles and 1,000
passengers trapped on the roads.
Work is under way for mending the roads and communications.
Rainstorm signs have also shown in anther northwest province of Shanxi,
according to the provincial observatory, which said rainstorm will hit south
part of the province from Tuesday.
The observatory warned related departments to take precaution measures for
the upcoming rainstorm.