Chinese President Hu Jintao put forward a four-point proposal at a Pacific
Rim business leaders summit here Friday on ways to advance win-win cooperation
for sustainable development.
Delivering a speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit which
opened in the Chilean capital Friday, the Chinese president said China's own
experience with development showed that every country must go through an
evolving process that today's development is the continuation of that of
yesterday and the groundwork of that of tomorrow.
"When a country lays down its plans, chooses its strategies, decides on its
approaches and implements its measures toward its long-term goals of
development, it should take into account both its present and future needs of
development and address both the current concerns of the people and the
interests for their long-term development, " said the Chinese president, who
arrived here Thursday for a state visit and attending the 12th APEC Economic
Leaders Meeting.
-- Promoting a healthy development of the developing countries and maintain a
steady economic growth in the world.
It is essential to first ensure the development of the developing countries.
The developed countries should pay greater attention to the needs of the poor
countries and make real effortsto accelerate their development, thus narrowing
the widening North-South gap.
"Without this, there can be neither win-win cooperation nor sustainable
development. As far as APEC is concerned, we should take it as a key task of the
organization to promote the development of the developing members," he said.
The developed countries should reduce and forgive the debts owed by the
developing countries and provide them with more official assistance with no
strings attached. They should help thedeveloping countries make a good use of
their human resources, enhance their capacity to develop science and technology,
tap their market potential and build an indigenous capacity for
self-development, he added.
They should take more vigorous steps to revamp the international economic,
trade and financial systems, roll back trade protectionism of one kind or
another, and create a favorable external environment for the development of the
developing countries.
"While North-South dialogue should be strengthened on an equal footing,
South-South cooperation should be carried out on a broader scale with multiple
forms of economic and technical cooperation and efforts to minimize the
potential risks of economic globalization to the developing countries, thus
achieving the goal of common development and prosperity," the Chinese president
-- Cultivating and acting on a scientific mentality of development and strive
for an all-round economic and social progress along with a comprehensive
development of man.
"Given the conditions of the modern era, we should put people on top of our
priority list and strive to achieve a comprehensive,balanced and sustainable
development. We should take the comprehensive development of man as our
objective, upholding the fundamental interests of the people, meeting their
rising materialand cultural needs and ensuring that they reap the benefits of
development, " the Chinese president said in the speech.
"We should focus on economic development as our central task, move forward
economic, political and cultural development and realize both economic
prosperity and overall social progress. We should promote a coordinated
development between urban and rural areas, among different regions, between
economic and social development, between domestic development and opening to the
outside world and achieve a harmonious development between man andnature," Hu
-- Pursuing economic development on the basis of resource conservation and
building a circular economy.
"Development should be pursued on the basis of high technology content, good
economic returns, low resource consumption level, minimum pollution of the
environment and fullest play of human potential," the Chinese president said.
" We should optimize the economic structure, change the way of achieving
economic growth, pay closer attention to the conservation and comprehensive
utilization of resources, advocate an environment-friendly way of production,
life and consumption and bring about a virtuous cycle in both our ecological and
socio-economic systems," Hu said.
We should put in place a conservation-oriented management system throughout
the process of exploitation, processing, distribution and consumption of
resources with a view to building a resource effective national economy and a
resource effective society.
A well-protected eco-system underpins the growing productive forces and
better lives for the people. On the one hand, we must respect laws of nature and
plan our economic and social development according to how much nature could
sustain. On the other hand, we should actively go for protecting the natural
environment, minimizing pollutant discharge, increasing wastes recycling,
accelerating pollution control and ecological rehabilitation, preserving
bio-diversity and resolutely stopping all practices that are detrimental to
nature, he added.
-- Stepping up economic and technical cooperation with the other countries
and fostering a fair and equitable environment for competition.
Lasting peace and sustainable development in the world cannot be obtained
unless the fruits of economic development are shared in a just, fair and
reasonable manner. Exchange of experience among countries and their mutual
emulation and cooperation in finance, technology, management expertise and human
resources are of major significance for greater economic growth in the world.
"We should broaden the scale of international cooperation, increase market
access, ease restrictions on technology export, further liberalize trade and
investment and remove all kinds of trade barriers. We should build an open and
rule-based multilateral trading regime through equal-footed dialogue in the
spirit of seeking common ground while putting aside differences," said the
Chinese president.
APEC should renew its commitment to the Bogor Goals, actively step up
bilateral and regional free trade arrangements in keeping with WTO rules and
APEC principles, and endeavor to accelerate economic growth in this region and
increase the members' resilience to economic volatilities.
"We should promote exchanges among business communities of the region,
encourage our companies to explore deeper into our respective markets, find
better ways for high-tech cooperation andexpand mutual investment. We call for
the enlargement of the basisof international economic decision-making, thereby
allowing a fuller participation by the developing countries in that process and
the international cooperation in general," the Chinese president said.
The three-day APEC Chief Executive Officers Summit, which opened Friday, will
explore the theme of "Succeeding in a Global World: New Challenges for
Business", along with distinguished panelists, economists, academics and opinion
leaders of the Asia-Pacific region.