Since last year's Second Session, the 10th National Committee of the Chinese
People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) had received more than 4,400
proposals from its members, participating institutions and specialcommittees.
These proposals involved a wide range of issues concerning the development of
the country.
In the past years, the CPPCC National Committee has held meetings with
officials from different ministries and sent 30 inspection teams to make
on-the-spot studies of hot issues, which include rural and urban development,
private economy, food safety,land use and protection migrant workers.
Meanwhile, the CPPCC National Committee has also sent 29 delegations to 44
foreign countries and received 28 delegations from 23 foreign nations and three
international organizations. So far, it has sealed ties with 184 organizations,
from 107 foreign countries, and eight international bodies.
In 2004, the CPPCC National Committee's sub-committee on the affairs of Hong
Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese received 48 visiting delegations from
the three areas and overseas Chinese communities.