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Navigator celebrated
12/7/2005 7:34


Jiangsu Province Maritime Bureau officers patrol the Yangtze River yesterday in Nanjing. It was part of activities marking the launch of ¡°Navigation Day¡± and the 600th anniversary of ancient mariner Zheng He¡¯s voyage. ¡ª Xinhua

China commemorated the 600th anniversary of the first explorer to circumnavigate the world, believing it demonstrated early China's peaceful diplomacy as well as dissemination of its culture, in Beijing yesterday.
Admiral Zheng He made voyages to more than 30 countries in West Asia and East Africa from 1405 to 1433 during the imperial Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Zheng's voyages were 87 years earlier than celebrated European explorer Christopher Columbus, 92 years earlier than Vasco da Gama and 114 years earlier than Ferdinand Magellan.
Addressing a meeting at the Great Hall of the People, Vice Premier Huang Ju said, "Zheng's voyages helped dissemination of Chinese culture, promoted economic and trade exchanges between China and other parts of the world, boosted Sino-foreign friendly ties and contributed to navigation throughout the world."
Huang called on Chinese people to carry forward Zheng He's spirit of dedication to the motherland, be bold in scientific exploration and expand friendly cooperation with people from other countries and regions.
Historical records show that Zheng, commanding the most powerful ocean-going fleet of the day, neither colonized newly discovered lands nor set up military fortresses. On the contrary, he provided local inhabitants with silk, chinaware, calendars and agricultural tools.
The central government has designated July 11 as China's "Navigation Day."
Senior leaders including Li Changchun and Liu Yunshan attended the meeting.

 Xinhua news