China's State Council, or the cabinet, has decided to set July 11 as the
country's Maritime Day beginning this year, said Minister of Communications
Zhang Chunxian on Tuesday.
July 11 marks the 600th anniversary of the ocean voyages by Zheng He, a great
Ming Dynasty navigator, who, researchers said, led Chinese fleet on seven ocean
voyages to as far as America 600 years ago.
According to the minister, creating a maritime day will help enhance the
Chinese people's awareness of navigation and the sea, and promote the
development of navigation and business at the sea.
July 11 will also become "the World Maritime Day in China," he said, adding
this is a move of China to honor its commitment to the International Maritime
Organization, to which China is a member.
Maritime Day will be a national celebration that needs the participation of
all citizens, said Vice Minister of Communications Xu Zuyuan. The theme of this
year's Maritime Day is "Love the motherland, be good friends with neighboring
countries and navigate scientifically."
China now has 210,000 ships of more than 86 million dead weighttons, ranking
the fourth in the world. Some 90 percent of China's foreign trade is done by its
ocean-going fleets.