France yesterday played down Russia's rejection over a draft resolution on
sanctions against Iran's nuclear program, saying it is "normal" that each
country "has its position."
The European countries were "in the normal process of drawing up a United Nations resolution, aiming at reaching an agreement and
ensuring the unity of the international community," French Foreign Ministry
spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said in a press conference.
"Each country has its positions," Mattei said, "we have taken notes of
Russia's declarations, and we will now pursue discussions in New York."
The six major nations of the United States, Russia, France, Britain, China
and Germany have offered Iran incentives to halt uranium enrichment, but Tehran
has rejected them.
European nations this week proposed sanctions banning the sale of missile and
atomic technology to Iran and ending most UN help for its nuclear programs.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergue-Lavrov said on Thursday that the draft
resolution proposed by Britain, France and Germany "does not respond to the
mission which the six countries have previously agreed" on Iran's nuclear issue.
Sergue Kisliak, the ministry's vice president, said that "a long process of
negotiation" was quite necessary "before making a decision acceptable for all."