There are serious differences between the nuclear programs of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran, Russian President Vladimir Putin
said in a written interview with Mexican publisher Mario Vazquez Rania
"The DPRK has walked out of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT), has announced that its nuclear program is military in nature, has
sent the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors out of the
country, and finally has carried through a nuclear test," Putin was quoted by
the Interfax news agency as saying.
While "Iran is, unlike the DPRK, an NPT participant. It continues to comply
with the Guarantees Agreement with the IAEA, which makes it possible to control
its nuclear activities. Until now the agency has been unable to find any
indication in Iran of peaceful nuclear projects having been turned into to
military ones," Putin said.
"However, it cannot be said that the IAEA has no serious questions about some
aspects of Iran's former nuclear activities. Nor has the IAEA so far been able
to confirm the absence in Iran of undeclared nuclear projects. All of these are
fueling anxiety over the character of the nuclear program of that country,"
Putin said.
"Iran should clarify the questions that the agency still has and in that way
restore confidence in the peaceful character of its efforts in the nuclear
sphere," he said.
Talking about UN Security Council Resolution 1718 on the DPRK, Putin said
"Russia supports the resolution."
"Indeed, there was need for a powerful and verified reaction from the
Security Council that was aimed at preventing the further escalation of tension.
We also believed that the North Koreans needed to be given a clear signal that
their behavior was undermining the international regime of nuclear
nonproliferation,"he said.
But Russia also insisted on "purely nonviolent means of pressure."
"It is our principle that the main goal of UN Security Council Resolution
1718 is not to punish the DPRK but to solve the problem of its nuclear program
in a political way. In this connection, we hail Pyongyang's decision to return
to the six-party talks and expect that ultimately this will lead to a civilized
settlement of this problem," Putin said.
UN Resolution 1718, which was passed on Oct. 14, calls for embargo on the
provision and procurement of arms, related material and technical assistance as
well as assets freeze and embargo on the export of luxury goods to DPRK.