Azzam Al-Ahmed, Fatah movement's chief in the Palestinian Legislative
Council (PLC), or parliament, said Tuesday that his party won't give the Islamic
Resistance Movement (Hamas)-led cabinet a vote of confidence in PLC's potential
Al-Ahmed told reporters in the West Bank that Fatah won't give Hamas-led
cabinet a vote of confidence during the (PLC) session, referring to the complete
difference between platforms of Hamasand Fatah movements.
After Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas verifies the Hamas-led cabinet, it
would be passed to the PLC for vote of confidence.
Al-Ahmed said the Hamas movement doesn't believe in the partnership at the
political work, but wants to impose the policy of dictation.
He held that when Hamas cabinet's platform didn't include a commitment to the
fact that Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)is the sole and legitimate
representative, it proves that the gap between Hamas and Fatah's attitude is
Hamas had failed to convince any of the Palestinian parties or factions
represented in the PLC to serve in its cabinet, because the movement didn't
include a clear text about the PLO. Observers worry that the coming few months
would be a difficulttest for the cabinet of Ismaeel Haneya and its ability to
fulfill the needs of the Palestinians, which were severely harmed by the Israeli