US open to deployment of peacekeeping force on Lebanon-Israel border
24/7/2006 15:13
US Chief of Staff of White House Joshua Bolten said on Sunday that the United
States is open to the deployment of peacekeeping troops on the Lebanon-Israel
border but US forces will not participate. US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice is to arrive in the Middle East on Monday to discuss the deployment of
peacekeeping troops in Lebanon and the humanitarian aids, Bolten said in an
interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). He reiterated
that the cessation of hostilities has to address the root causes of the conflict
-- Hezbollah and its allies. John Bolton, US Ambassador to the United
Nations, said that the United States will seriously consider Israel's proposal
to deploy a NATO-led peacekeeping force on Lebanon-Israel border. On July 17,
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan appealed that the international community should
consider the deployment of a peacekeeping force in Southern Lebanon. More
than 360 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Israel's attacks against
Lebanon since July 12. Israel has reported 36 casualties resulted from the
Xinhua news