Thousands of Muslims from various Muslims organizations held a joint rally in
Bojonegoro, East Java, on Sunday in protest against the latest Israeli attacks
on Lebanon.
Carrying their respective organizations' attributes, posters and banners,
they marched from the Sumbang district's traffic circle to the Grand Mosque
nearby the Bojonegoro city's Square, Antara news agency reported.
Before they held orations, the demonstrators set copies of the Israeli flag
and dolls on fire, condemning Israel and the United States.
"Let's united our Muslims' strength to fight against the tyranny. Let's show
that Islam is a peace-loving religion. It is not a religion which loves wars,"
Mundzar Fachman, an organizer ofthe rally, was quoted as saying.
Among the Muslims organizations taking part in the rally were the biggest
organization Nahdutul Ulama (NU), Hizbut Tahrir, Muslims Students Association
(HMI) and Muhammadiyah.
Bojonegoro Muslims Forum organizer Alamul Huda read a statement which
condemned Israel for its attacks which claimed the lives of innocent civilians,
women and children.
The Israeli army pushed into Lebanon and air strikes killed up to 20 people
on Saturday, despite a UN Security Council demand for a "full cessation of
hostilities" in the month-old war with Hezbollah guerrillas.
Israeli air and land strikes took place only hours after the United Nations
agreed with the resolution on the cessation of hostilities between Israel and
Helicopters lifted hundreds of Israeli troops into the south as part of an
expanding offensive launched even though Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has
backed the UN vote.