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Thai Activists demand fast return to democracy
28/9/2006 9:59

The Confederation for Democracy (CFD), a non-governmental organization of Thai political activists, on Wednesday called on Thailand's military Council for Democratic Reform (CDR) to quickly return power to the Thai people as the council leaders pledged after last week's coup d'etat, The Thai News Agency reported.

Visiting Royal Thai Army Headquarters Wednesday morning, CFD chairman Weng Tojirakarn, and other two members presented their letter with five proposals to the council.

As the first priority, the democracy activists urged the Council to lift martial law and the ban on political gatherings, and to restore citizen freedom of communication, information access, and other basic human rights.

Secondly, they asked the council to quickly return sovereignty to the people by holding a general election soon, as an Election Commission (EC) is already in place.

Regarding the constitution, the CFD recommended adopting the dissolved 1997 constitution as a temporary charter during the interim government's rule, and that the whole people should have direct participation in drafting Thailand's new constitution instead of doing so via their representatives, no matter whether those selected, or appointed.

The CFD letter pointed out that the temporary charter with 39 articles drafted by the CDR and set for royal approval this weekend has content essentially not different from the 1991 constitution enacted by the National Peacekeeping Council, former military coup makers.

Accordingly, it would be more appropriate for the CDR to apply the 1997 constitution temporarily.

Last, but not least, the CFD called for structural reform of the armed forces to make military personnel "professional soldiers" who will never again become involved in politics or stage a coupd'etat.

The pro-democracy activists expressed their hope that the military council will keep its word by quickly returning power to the people, as the coup leaders said earlier that they did not stage the coup for their own benefit or power.

Receiving the CFD letter, army secretary Maj-Gen Veeran Chantasatkosol affirmed that the military council will quickly return power to the people as it promised, otherwise there will surely be problems.

At the first stage, the council is in the process of transferring power to an interim government, he said. The next step is drafting the new constitution and holding the general election.

The council is doing what it promised, Gen Veeran explained.

Xinhua News