Sailor Ni Wei from China on Tuesday took the gold medal in the men's
Optimist class of the sailing competition at the 15th Asian Games at Doha,
capital of Qatar, bringing China's sailing gold medals to four at the Asiad.
The 15-year-old teenager was placed first with a stong lead in the men's
Optimist class with a net-point of 14, while the silver medalist, Navee
Thamsoontorn from Thailand, just finished with a net-point of 33, 19 points
behind Ni Wei's final results.
The bronze went to Lee Sean Teik Ren from Singapore.
Also on Tuesday, China's female sailor Xu Lijia won the gold inthe Laser
Radial open event at Doha.
Earlier on Monday, China's Chen Lina won the gold medal in the women's
Mistral class and her teammate Yao Xinhao claimed the men's Mistral heavy class