Chinese soldiers descend from a helicopter in a joint
drill yesterday in Russia's Chelyabinsk. The maneuver was part of the first
joint exercise of the "Peace Mission 2007" anti-terrorism military drill,
sponsored by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. - Xinhua
A joint anti-terrorism military exercise sponsored by the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization will enhance the security of the regional group's
member countries, participants said.
The first joint exercise was carried out yesterday near Chelyabinsk in
Russia's Ural Mountains.
"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is not aimed against third countries
and operates only in the interests of its member states," Russian Commander
Vladimir Moltensky said after the two-hour exercise.
The "Peace Mission 2007" drill, involving about 6,500 military personnel from
China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, will be
carried out in Chelyabinsk and Urumqi, capital of China's Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region.
Commanders from the six countries will hold consultations and make decisions
in Urumqi after receiving an alert of a mock terrorist attack on a Russian town,
and the field practice will then continue at Russian military ranges near
"In terms of both scale and content, the joint drill bears historic
significance as a milestone in military cooperation among the six SCO member
countries," said Zhen Shouhua, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Military