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Ukraine's opposition confident about new vote
6/12/2004 15:12

A key figure in Ukraine's opposition movement says there's little authorities can do to stop Viktor Yushchenko sweeping to power in a re-run of the presidential election. Meanwhile, in Moscow, both Yushchenko and Yanukovic supporters have staged protests.

On Sunday, Yuschenko supporters massed for a 14th day on the capital's streets. One of the opposition leader's closest allies said they would not leave until a repeat election was held on December 26th and proven to be free and fair.

Opposition Politician & Parliament Deputy Yulia Tymoshengko said, "The people are very, very clear that they are waiting for justice. They are not aggressive but insistent. I think the third round of elections will be more democratic."

In a sign of increasing confidence, Yushchenko's camp turned down a deal on Saturday to legislate curbs on the presidents's powers in exchange for reform of the misused electoral system. President Leonid Kuchma brokered the deal.

After two weeks of mass street protests, Yushchenko's supporters have become bolder after the Supreme Court ruling on Friday the authorities had rigged a November 21st poll in favor of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe said it welcomed the Supreme Court decision. Washington and the European Union have also praised the move, but Russian President Vladimir Putin has yet to comment.

Also on Sunday in Moscow, several dozen pro-Yushchenko protesters gathered near the Foreign Ministry building. They demanded Russia stop interfering in the political crisis in the Ukraine.

Later in the day, orange was replaced by red, as members of the Yanukovich supporters began their protest rally against the Western involvement in the country. Enditem