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Ukrainian parliament passes amendments to Constitution
8/12/2004 20:20


Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma (R) and Vladimir Litvin (L), speaker of Ukrainian Parliament show signed document during an emergency session of the Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev, Dec.8. The parliament has passed a package of constitutional and electoral amendments earlier in the day. (Xinhua/AFP Photo)

The Ukrainian parliament on Wednesday passed a package of amendments to the country's constitution and law on presidential elections in an effort to defuse the ongoing politial crisis.

The amendments, which were approved by 402 deputies in the 450-seat legislature, was immediately signed into effect by President Leonid Kuchma, the Interfax news agency reported.

The new bill envisions Ukraine's transition to a parliamentary-presidential form of governance, forming the country's government by a coalition of parliamentary factions, and extending parliament's term of office to five years, according to Interfax.

In addition, the document transfers much presidential powers to parliament, which will now be authorized to appoint the president's nominees for prime minister, defense minister and foreign minister, and candidates for other members of government nominated by the prime minister.

The amendments to the law on presidential elections are aimed to reduce abuses and fraud ahead of the upcoming Dec. 26 rerun of the presidential runoff.
