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EU hails Ukrainian election results
28/12/2004 6:26

The European Union (EU) has hailed the preliminary results of the general elections in Ukraine,according to a press release issued by the European Commission (EC)here Monday.

EC President Jose Manuel Barroso hailed Dec. 26 presidential elections as "a good day for Ukraine and for democracy".

"I welcome the preliminary findings of the OSCE/ODIHR International Election Observation Mission which indicate that thererun of the second round of the Presidential Elections brought Ukraine substantially closer to meeting international standards," he was quoted as saying.

He congratulated the Ukrainian people on having taken this further step to a peaceful and democratic society.

"It is now important that the democratic process can follow itscourse unhindered. I urge all parties to help ensure that this canhappen," Barroso said.

He also underlined the importance of the territorial integrity of the country.

Meanwhile, he stressed that the election also marks an important day for EU-Ukraine relations. The pace of the deepening of the EU's relationship with Ukraine depends on Ukraine's effortsand achievements in meeting commitments to common values and objectives.
