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Ukraine's Yanukovych appeals presidential poll results
14/1/2005 19:43

The campaign team of Ukraine's formerPrime Minister Viktor Yanukovych filed an appeal of the Dec. 26 presidential election results with the Supreme Court on Friday.

The court has rejected a series of appeals from Yanukovych's team, and the new complaint of some 621 volumes of documents and 233 videotapes is the team's last-ditch effort to overturn the election, which the Central Election Commission declared was won by opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko.

Campaign manager Taras Chornovyl said the appeal, delivered by a mini-van, urges the court to "order a revote."

A court spokesman confirmed the arrival of the complaint of several hundred volumes.

Earlier this week, Yanukovych announced that he would never agree with the Dec. 26 election results and would file a complaint.

The Dec. 26 election was a rerun of Nov. 21 balloting in which Yanukovych was declared the winner. The November runoff was followed by massive opposition protests, which eventually led to the revocation of the election.

Earlier this week, Yanukovych said that Yushchenko's lead in the presidential re-runoff resulted from an "illegal law" approvedby the Ukrainian Parliament.

The law, passed in parliament only a day before the Dec. 26 balloting, leaving little time for many old and ailing Ukrainians to make voting arrangements.

Yushchenko was officially declared the winner on Monday, but cannot be inaugurated until the Supreme Court reviews complaints form his rival.
