The Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad (Holy War) Thursday rejected
calls by the Palestine Liberation Organization chief Mahmoud Abbas to stop
attacks so as not to give Israel excuses to continue aggressions.
"The occupation forces do not need any excuses to continue their aggression
on the Palestinian people," Mohamed al Hindi, a senior Jihad leader, said in a
written statement.
The rocket attacks were carried out in revenge for the Israeli occupation of
the Palestinian territories and the continuous aggressions on the Palestinian
people, Hindi said.
He added Jihad doesn't believe that the presidential election due to be held
on Sunday is "a real normal election".
"The 6 million Palestinian people deserve real, popular and comprehensive
elections, but such comprehensive elections can neverbe held under the current
ongoing Israeli military occupation," he said.
However, Hindi said Jihad would deal with any elected Palestinian president
as it dealt with the late president Yasser Arafat despite the movement's
decision to boycott the presidential election.