Chief of the Palestinian Election Committee Rami al-Hamdella said Saturday
that the final result of the presidential election will be announced on Monday.
Hamdella told a press conference here that casting ballots and counting votes
will be conducted in voting centers which the Israeli army can not enter.
But he added that everything is possible, so the committee willbe on high
alert as to deal with any emergency.
For Sunday's election, the second in the Palestinian history, the West Bank
will be divided into 11 electoral districts and Gazainto five.
The ballot boxes will be open from 7 a.m. (0500 GMT) till 7 p.m.(1700 GMT).
Some 800 foreign observers representing various countries and
non-governmental organizations, joined by some 20,000 local observers, will be
at every election center to monitor the whole process.
Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah's official candidate, is the leading contender in the
upcoming election.