Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei said Sunday that he will resign after
the new PNA chairman emerged from Sunday's election.
"Under the law, the prime minister and his government should resign after a
new chairman is elected in order to enable the chairman to choose a new prime
minister who will be authorized to form a new government," Qurei told Xinhua in
an interview.
Qurei highly praised Sunday's election, saying it "represents avictory for
the Palestinian democracy and manifests the Palestinian people deserve an
independent state like other peoplesall over the world."
"No matter who wins in the democratic election, he would represent the
Palestinian people," said Qurei, calling on the international community to
oblige the Israeli government to implement the peace agreements.
He also urged Israel to return immediately to the negotiating table.
Abbas had said earlier that if he wins, he will ask Qurei to form a
US President George W. Bush praised Sunday's election as a "historic day for
the Palestinian people" and vowed to help them.
In a statement issued two hours after the end of the voting, Bush said the
election, together with the parliamentary elections scheduled for months later,
"are essential for the establishment of a sovereign, independent, viable,
democratic, and peaceful Palestinian state that can live alongside a safe and
secure Israel."
"The United States stands ready to help the Palestinian people realize their
aspirations," Bush said.
Warning critical tasks for the new Palestinian government, Bushsaid the
United States looks forward to working with new Palestinian leaders and the
Palestinian people to address these challenges and to advance the cause of
Middle East peace.