Brain drain, serious impact on Africa's development
28/12/2005 14:58
In the early 1970s, very few Ethiopians chose to emigrate to other states,
however, in three decades, Ethiopia has become a nation of emigrants, losing
thousands of well-educated scientists, doctors, and other professional elite
every year. The Ethiopian story is not individual. It is only one example
reflecting the growing alarm over Africa's increasing exodus of human capital.
It is an episode which shows Africa is losing the very people it needs most for
economic, social, scientific, and technological progress. Actually, the issue
of Africa's brain drain has both internal and external causes, and needs the
efforts of the whole international community. For the future of Africa, the
governments of developed countries should not evade their responsibilities for
the issue, while African countries should do their best to encourage overseas
professionals to return. HUGE LOSSES FOR AFRICA As a result of the human
capital flight, or brain drain, Africa has incurred tremendous
losses. According to a study by the Geneva-based International Organization
for Migration (IOM), Africa has been losing 20,000 professionals each year since
1990. Another study by the World Bank says that some 70,000 highly qualified
African scholars and experts leave their home countries every year in order to
work abroad, often in more developed countries. "Today if you visit
universities in this country you will not find any lecturers who have been there
for more than seven or eight years," said Professor Haile Tilahun of the Addis
Ababa University. Haile is a researcher on international migration of highly
qualified personnel. According to the IOM, there are currently just 200,000
scientists and engineers in Africa, servicing a population of about 860 million.
Africa would need at least 1 million scientists and engineers to sustain the
continent's development prospects. While, at least one-third of science and
technology professionals from African countries are currently working in Europe,
the United States, Canada and Australia. In light of a dwindling professional
sector, African institutions are increasingly dependent on foreign expertise. To
fill the human resource gap created by brain drain, Africa employs up to 100,000
expatriate professionals at a cost of US$4 billion a year. "In the 21st
century, science and technology is a country's capital and the key to its
economic growth. Nations without a skilled and technologically savvy workforce
are doomed," he said. Haile said emigration of African professionals to the
West is one of the greatest obstacles to Africa's development. "Africa is
dying a slow death from brain drain," he alarmed. CAUSE OF BRAIN
DRAIN "There are a number of pull and push factors that facilitate the flow
of best brains out of Africa," said Professor Tadesse Mengesha of the
semi-official Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and
Development. Some of the pushing factors include poor working conditions,
limited career opportunities, limited educational opportunities and low pay and
economic instability, said Tadesse. He added that the pooling factors include
higher pay, better working conditions, career opportunities, so on and so
forth. However, the primary cause of brain drain is unreasonably low wages
paid to African professionals. Africans living in the West obtain much higher
salaries than they get at home. "It's hard to blame a trained and educated
person for leaving her country because of the many obstacles in the path to
success," said Tadelech Hailu, a young doctor with a master of medicine working
at Addis Ababa's Black Lion Hospital. Tadelech each month earns 1,300 birr
(US$150) from the hospital. She believed that higher wages act as a magnet to
professionals. "If we take the case of Ethiopia, someone with a master's
degree makes US$150 a month whereas that same person would make 30 times more if
hired with a similar kind of job in the West, " she said. The contradiction
is that Africa spends US$4 billion annually to recruit and pay 100,000
expatriates to work in Africa but it fails to spend a proportional amount to
recruit the 250,000 African professionals now working outside Africa. African
professionals working in Africa are paid considerably less than similarly
qualified expatriates. At Tadelech's hospital, Cuban and Russian doctors are
paid 15 times more than Ethiopian colleagues. "My country is willing to hire
expatriates and pay them lots of money but it will not pay us studying abroad
and willing to come back home the same amount of money. What do these
expatriates have that I don't have?" asked Tadelech. IN SEARCH OF
SOLUTIONS As long as Africa's brain drain phenomenon continues, its ongoing
development efforts will continue to be undermined. The solution to the
problem, according to Ghana's first president Kwame Nkrumah, is that Africa
needs a new type of citizen, a dedicated, modest, honest and informed man. A man
who submerges himself in service to the nation and mankind. At the
headquarters of Ethiopia's Ministry of Mines and Energy, Asfaw Shuba, an
geological engineer, did his PhD in Canada and came back home three years
ago. "I remember the toil of our coffee farmers that kept us in school. I
don't think we the young ones have any excuse not to return and contribute," he
said. "I returned to Ethiopia after my studies in Canada. I am happy although
not rich. Patriotism, that is all that Africa needs to reverse this brain
drain." Besides the individuals themselves, African governments can do more
to help reverse the trend. "Botswana has almost no brain drain at all,
actually it has one of the highest rates of returns of overseas students in the
world. If Botswana could do it with respect for professionals, then why can't
the rest of Africa follow suit?" asked Fikru Desalegne, state minister of
capacity building. In Ethiopia, the government is now providing such
incentives as reduced import duties, foreign exchange accounts and stronger
private ownership laws to encourage professionals to stay in the Horn of Africa
country, and attract those abroad to return, invest and share their
expertise. The aim is to reverse the country's brain drain and promote
development led by Ethiopians with vital technical and professional
skills. According to official data, Ethiopia trained 2,491 general
practitioners between 1988 and 2001, but in recent years one-third have already
left the country seeking better employment opportunities in North America,
Europe and South Africa. Fikru said Ethiopia should learn from China and
India to recruit and retain professionals. He added that the two Asian giants
often provide recruitment incentives, such as relocation expenses, loans for
housing and for starting businesses, salary supplement for the first few
years. "However, a more permanent solution will be to pay wages that are
competitive," he said.
Xinhua news