Canadian scientists say devastatingtsunami that cost so many lives and
caused so much destruction in southeast Asia could happen in the northwestern
coastal areas in Canada and the United States.
"We know that earthquakes of this type occur right off of our coast",
research scientist John Cassidy of the Geological Survey of Canada told Canadian
Television Wednesday.
"What we are trying to understand is how the ground will shake in Vancouver
and Victoria during our future earthquake," he said.
Under the water off the west coast of North America, massive pressure is
building up in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The release causes earthquakes.
Eventually, British Columbia will be hit by the big one.
Bob Bugslag, director of British Columnbia's Provincial Emergency Program,
told the Canadian Press that communities in thecoastal areas in the province are
at risk from tsunamis. If a major earthquake happened off the coast, coastal
communities wouldhave about 3 hours warning.
"We are on the Pacific Rim and the entire area is very vulnerable to
tsunamis," said Bugslag. The earthquake in Alaska had a devastating impact on
B.C. The Vancouver Island community ofPort Alberni was swamped by a tsunami
triggered by the powerful quake. The tidal wave destroyed everything in its
path. Amazingly,no one was killed or even seriously injured. That quake and the
one is south Asia this week were remarkably similar and provide scientists with
a rare opportunity to understand their power, Canadian scientists say.