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Chinese Red Cross donates 100,000 USD to Sri Lanka
5/1/2005 21:42

The Red Cross Society of China donated 100,000 US dollars to Sri Lanka on Wednesday in contribution to the relief efforts of the South Asian country severely hit by the tsunami on Dec. 26.

On behalf of the Chinese Red Cross Association, Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Sun Guoxiang handed over the donation to Tissa Abeywickrama, Chairman of the Rehabilitation and Relief Operation Task Force of the Sri Lanka Red Cross.

Sun Guoxiang said that Sri Lanka and China are enjoying very good relations and they always help each other in difficult situations. He hopes that Sri Lanka will recover from the disaster very soon.

Abeywickrama expressed the gratitude of the Sri Lanka Red Cross for the donation provided by the Chinese Red Cross Association. He said the donation will be used for purchasing food, water, blankets and other relief goods for the displaced nationals.

China has offered relief materials worth about 3 million US dollars as well as 200,000 dollars in cash to Sri Lanka after the tsunami.

The tsunami has killed at least 30,229 people and injured 15,683,with 3,858 missing in Sri Lanka. The government said the property loss could be as high as 4.8 billion US dollars.
