Spain has increased its humanitarian relief aid for Indonesia, one of the
worst-hit countries in the Dec. 26 tsunamis, to 7.8 million euros (or 10 million
US dollars), military officials said Monday.
The latest amount is 1.3 million euros higher than that announced on Saturday
by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Rodriguez, according to reports released by the
military officials.
The operation, dubbed Solidary Response, began Monday with the departure of
five planeloads of humanitarian relief materials and 594 troops, said Defense
Minister Jose Bono.
The operation will last from six to eight weeks with the participation of 257
members of the Navy, 230 of the Army and 107 of the Air Force. The troops will
bear light arms for self-defenseonly, said Bono.
Operation Solidary Response also includes the shipment of a hospital in the
Navy vessel Galicia, four water-purification plants, 2,000 kg of medicine and 50
tons of food.
Over 150,000 people had been killed by the tidal waves that hitSouth and
Southeast Asia on Dec. 26.