Aftershocks of Sunday's killer quake continued to be felt overnight in the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, where tsunamis triggered by the quake
claimed an estimated 1,000 lives, according to Indo-Asian News Service
"The aftershocks are continuing but they are of lesser and lesser intensity,"
A.K. Shukla, director of the seismology division of the meteorological
department here, told media.
But he said there was no likelihood of the aftershocks setting another wave
of tsunamis. "The worst is over," he said.
The Andmans and Nicobar Islands were one of the worst hit in the disaster but
few details have come out about the extent of the loss of lives, put at some
1,000 by some.
Sunday's tsunamis that smashed countries in South and Southeast Asia and
claimed an estimated 14,000 lives was triggered by a massive quake under the sea
off Sumatra.
The US Geological Survey revised the intensity of the quake from 8.9 on the
Richter scale to 9 Monday, television channels reported.