The gigantic Asian sea quake on Sunday - the most dramatic seismic shock in
more than 40 years - made the earth wobble on its axis and permanently changed
the geology of the surrounding area, scientists claim.
It was like "flicking a top," said Paul Tapponnier, head of the tectonics
laboratory at the Institut de Physique du Globe (IPG), France's leading centre
for the earth sciences.
Tapponnier said the quake deep beneath the Pacific Ocean lasted a "colossal"
200 seconds, building up huge amounts of energy in the sea that drove towering
waves onto beaches throughout south Asia.
"That earthquake has changed the map," US Geological Survey expert Ken Hudnut
said in Los Angeles.
The quake, which had an epicentre magnitude of 9.0, struck 250 kilometres
southeast of Sumatra island.
One of the four biggest in the last century, it sent gigantic tsunami waves
crashing around the Indian Ocean causing more than 80,000 deaths so far, but the
figure is rising.
Hudnut said seismic modelling suggested the quake may have moved small
islands by as much as 20 metres, and the northwestern tip of the Indonesian
territory of Sumatra may also have shifted to the southwest by around 36 metres.
"That is a lot of slip," he said.
The energy released as the two sides of the geological fault line deep under
the sea slipped against each other would have made the Earth wobble on its axis,
Hudnut said.
Tapponnier said the quake caused a 15- to 20-metre slippage of the earth's
surface along a front extending for 100 kilometres.
He said there may also have been vertical movements that possibly pushed the
island of Siberut, 100 kilometres west of Sumatra, one or two metres higher,
although it would be impossible to check this scientifically because of
guerrilla activity in the area.
Tapponnier said it was also possible that some regions of Sumatra south of
the equator have been completely swallowed up.
He said it was not rare for earthquakes to alter geological features.
"Earthquakes are the architects of landscapes," he said. "All the mountains
that we see today have been modelled by earthquakes."
Tapponnier said the massive 1960 earthquake off the coast of Chile shifted
the local landscape by 20 metres. A quake in Alaska in 1964 pushed islands
higher and sank oyster beds 12 metres under the surface.
And a 6.3 magnitude temblor off the coast of Guadeloupe last month moved the
ocean floor several tens of centimetres, he added.
Shifting lands
In Asia, "we are dealing with a quake one thousand times more powerful" than
the one off Guadaloupe, a shock powerful enough to make the earth wobble on its
axis, Tapponnier said.
Hudnut agreed the earth had slightly wobbled "due to the massive amount of
energy exerted and the sudden shift in mass."
But minor oscillations as the earth spins like a top are well known to
astronomers. The principal causes of the slight irregular motion known as
nutation are the Sun and Moon as they continually change location relative to
one another.
Another USGS research geophysicist agreed that the earth would have received
a "little jog" from the quake and that the islands off Sumatra would have been
However, Stuart Sipkin, of the USGS National Earthquake Information Centre in
Golden Colorado, said it was more likely that the islands had risen higher out
of the sea than they had moved laterally.
"In this case, the Indian plate dived below the Burma plate, causing uplift,
so most of the motion to the islands would have been vertical, not horizontal,"
he said.
Richard Gross, a geophysicist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
California, theorized that a shift of mass toward the Earth's centre during the
quake on Sunday caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds, or 3 millionths of a
second, faster and to tilt about an inch on its axis.
When one huge tectonic plate beneath the Indian Ocean was forced below the
edge of another "it had the effect of making the Earth more compact and spinning
faster," Gross said.
Gross said changes predicted by his model probably are too minuscule to be
detected by a global positioning satellite network that routinely measures
changes in Earth's spin, but said the data may reveal a slight wobble.
The Earth's poles travel a circular path that normally varies by about 33
feet (10 metres), so an added wobble of an inch is unlikely to cause long-term
effects, he said.
"That continual motion is just used to changing," Gross said. "The rotation
is not actually that precise. The Earth does slow down and change its rate of
When those tiny variations accumulate, planetary scientists must add a "leap
second" to the end of a year, something that has not been done in many years,
Gross said.
Scientists have long theorized that changes on the Earth's surface such as
tide and groundwater shifts and weather could affect its spin but they have not
had precise measurements to prove it, Caltech seismologist Hiroo Kanamori said.
"Even for a very large event, the effect is very small," Kanamori said. "It's
very difficult to change the rotation rate substantially."
Dramatic speed
Tidal waves like those that wreaked havoc across Asia on Sunday can travel at
hundreds of kilometres per hour and even gain strength as they cross the ocean -
often causing disastrous results far from their origin.
Born of strong seismic shocks, tsunamis can reach huge heights and speeds,
but despite their strength, they can be barely noticeable out at sea.
"If you are on a boat, you might not even feel a tsunami," said Wong
Wing-tak, senior scientific officer at the Hong Kong Observatory.
"It becomes powerful only when it is near the shore and reaches shallow
water, which then can push waves over 10 times higher than the sea water level."
The tidal waves spawned by Sunday's massive tremor off Indonesia bore down
without warning on low-lying areas across the Indian Ocean at a speed of 500
kilometres per hour, a British seismologist said.
"Where there is a displacement of the ocean floor it causes a movement on the
surface and it spreads out from there at a speed of about 500 kilometres an
hour," David Booth of the Edinburgh Institute in Scotland said.
Despite the speed, it was "slow enough for warnings to be given, if a
sophisticated warning system is set up," he stressed.
"This wave may only be a few metres high in the ocean but as it reaches
shallow water the wave builds up very quickly in height and these waves can be
reportedly 50 metres high," he said.
The most common cause for tsunamis is an undersea earthquake, especially in
areas such as the Pacific where there is significant movement of the Earth's
tectonic plates.
"Tsunamis travel outward in all directions from the epicentre of an
earthquake and can savagely attack coastlines," Wong said. "It can easily roll
people out to the sea, it causes flooding, devastates property damage."
Alert to the destructive capacity of tsunamis, Pacific Rim countries
co-ordinate and share their observations of the ocean. A tsunami alert centre in
Hawaii collects information about possible tidal waves.
Booth said that vibrations from the epicentre of the quake off Sumatra were
felt in London, 8,000 kilometres away, early Sunday, which means "the waves
generated from the tsunami would have travelled all around the world."
The earthquake that struck Indonesia Sunday releasing devastating tsunamis
across swathes of Asia was the largest in four decades and showed a rare and
unpredictable natural phenomenon in action.
The quake, which measured 8.9 on the Richter scale according to the US
Geological Survey, was the most immense since a 9.2-scale quake hit Alaska in
1964 and the fifth strongest since the beginning of the 20th century.
The phenomenon, while mercifully rare, was unpredictable, "leaving
authorities largely powerless to mitigate against its effects," Wong said .
"Earthquakes likes this, although rare, will occur again. This is part of
nature. You cannot predict when and where it will occur again," he said.
The only quake to register a higher magnitude than the 1964 tremor in the
20th century was one that measured 9.5 in Chile in 1960.
"The extent of the damage it can cause often depends on where it happens and
the structure of buildings," Wong said.
Exactly a year before Sunday's quake more than 30,000 people were killed in a
6.7-scale quake in the Iranian city of Bam, where sloppy builders were blamed
for the high toll.
Enzo Boschi, the director of Italy's National Institute of Geophysics,
pointed out the impact of Sunday's quake was made significantly worse by the
devastating tsunami waves it triggered.
"The situation was compounded by the fact that it occurred at sea, generating
a huge wave of water moving at a very high speed," he said.
South Asia bore the brunt of the deadly waves, with Sri Lanka particularly
hard hit.
By contrast, the Alaskan earthquake of 1964 claimed little more than 100
fatalities, thanks mostly to the state's low density population.
The quake that hit the Japanese city of Kobe in 1995 measured a far smaller
7.2 - meaning it registered less than one 10th of the intensity of the
Indonesian quake on the exponential Richter scale - but claimed more than 6,400
No stranger to high-magnitude quakes due to its position straddling the
Pacific "Ring of Fire" marked by volcanic and seismic activity, Indonesia is one
of the world's most earthquake-prone regions.
The archipelago of some 18,000 islands lies at the collision point of three
tectonic plates, resulting in frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as
pressure between the massive segments of the Earth's crust is released.
Sumatra sits atop one of the handful of sites where several plates of the
planet's crust overlap and grind. Colossal pressures build up over decades, only
to release in a snap.
"These quakes are spawned by deformations of the earth's crust, which are in
turn caused by a huge build-up of energy," Boschi said.
As energy accumulates and crust deformation reaches a critical level, a
fracture in the crust occurs.
"The bigger the fracture, the more intense the quake," he said.
Wong described the phenomenon as a fearsome demonstration of the earth's
"It's pretty scary and can cause unimaginable damage and loss of life," he