Poll shows Americans divide over Iraq invasion
18/1/2005 11:21
Americans are nearly evenly split over whether the United States made a
mistake by invading Iraq, with a slight majority of people believe it was a
mistake, a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll showed Monday. Fifty-two percent of
respondents in the Jan. 14-16 survey said they thought the invasion of Iraq was
a mistake. Forty-seven percent said it was not. The result was a reverse of a
similar poll taken Nov. 19-21 in which 47 percent called it a mistake and 52
percent said it was not. The survey also showed that Americans were far from
making up their minds over the level of US troops in Iraq. Twenty-four percent
said more troops should be sent, 26 percent said the same level should be kept,
21 percent said some troops should be withdrawn and 25 percent said all troops
should be withdrawn. The poll of 1,007 adults has a margin of error of plus
or minus 3 percentage points.