Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Jaap de
Hoop Scheffer said here Sunday that Iraq should build its capacity to provide
security in the country as soon as possible.
In a statement issued immediately after Iraq's general elections, the NATO
chief said:" They must also develop, as quickly as possible, the capacity to
provide for their own security. The international community must do its full
part to help."
"NATO has already begun, by responding to the Iraqi request to train and
equip Iraqi security forces, and the alliance will increase that support in the
coming months," he said.
On the general elections in Iraq, he said that millions of Iraqis
demonstrated their determination to participate in buildinga new, democratic
Iraq by casting their ballots Sunday.
These elections should "lay the foundation for a brighter future for the
country", a future of increasing peace and security,as a full part of the
international family of nations.
"I congratulate those who courageously participated in the democratic
process, and condemn those who committed acts of violence in an attempt to
derail it," he said.
He hailed the general elections as "a milestone", acknowledgingat the same
time that there is still a long road ahead.