The United States maintained pressure on Syria on Sunday, urging it to
immediately and completely withdraw troops from Lebanon and warning that
Washington would not tolerate "half measures".
Despite the announcement by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ofa gradual
pullout plan, White House counselor Dan Bartlett said onSunday that the United
States and its allies would not stand by ifSyria fails to implement UN Security
Council Resolution 1559, which calls for a complete withdrawal of foreign troops
from Lebanon.
"We'll continue to make clear that they understand that the international
community is not going to stand by and let Assad continue to have these type of
half-measures, but to live up to his international demands," Bartlett said on
"Fox News Sunday".
"The international community is united with the Lebanese peoplein asking and
telling the Syrian government to withdraw its troopsand, more importantly, or
just as importantly, withdrawing its security secret services as well from
Lebanon," Bartlett said.
Assad told the parliament Saturday that Syrian troops would be initially
pulled back to the Bekaa valley in eastern Lebanon and then to the
Syrian-Lebanese border area. The move would put Syria in full compliance with
international agreements and UN demands, Assad said.